Reflections from my second week as an intern at Care City

Sarah’s been here two weeks now. Her blog shares last weeks experiences of meeting the team IN PERSON (!) & connecting with the amazing participants of Shedlife.
Sarah’s been here two weeks now. Her blog shares last weeks experiences of meeting the team IN PERSON (!) & connecting with the amazing participants of Shedlife.
Pia shares her journey designing and rolling out the Redbridge “Enhanced Homecare” pilot and the challenges and learnings she experienced along the way.
From accidents in a Waitrose lorry to Human Learning Systems and Miro boards, Sarah reflects on her first week at Care City.
Pia Barna & John Bryant’s Kit4Care blog series continues, at a point where project timelines start to slip.
Michael Robert’s blog shares why we’re recognising storytelling as increasingly critical to our work & the need for co-produced responses to local challenges.
Paul Corrigan’s blog looks at how we need to apply the spirit and imagination of co-production to overcome the digital divide.
The importance of designing ‘with’ and not ‘for’ people to enable truly effective health & care innovation that meets local need. Read more in Pia’s blog.
Pia Barna & John Bryant’s blog series continues, with an insight into the Whzan ‘Blue Box’
Ben Williams reflects on our development of the Dorothy Community & how he doesn’t consider AI a threat to its advancement.