The power of partnerships for better health and health care

Read Paul Corrigan’s latest blog on the power of partnerships and how they may just help us win an award!
Read Paul Corrigan’s latest blog on the power of partnerships and how they may just help us win an award!
Read Pia’s reflections on her first year at Care City and see how her “indecisive frog” phase led her to valuable insights about her career!
Paul Corrigan’s blog looks at the work we are doing to support Cardiac Rehab services to achieve green status from the National Certification Programme for Cardiac Rehab.
“As a society, we need to be innovative about slowing decline and not see it as an inevitable part of every extra year”. Read more in Paul Corrigan’s blog.
Matt Skinner, our CEO, shares his thoughts this Pride month & his plans to ensure Care City’s work is inclusive of our LGBTQ+ community.
My journey of how I went from being redundant to volunteering to getting a great job!
It’s Dementia Action Week. Ben’s blog looks at what we can do to help those living with dementia NOW.
Read Ben’s blog about his life as a former Independent Mental Capacity Advocate & dementia-friendly interviewing.
Read Paul Corrigan’s latest blog on how Care City is innovating for today.