How we kept momentum & engagement when project timelines slipped.

Pia Barna & John Bryant’s Kit4Care blog series continues, at a point where project timelines start to slip.
Pia Barna & John Bryant’s Kit4Care blog series continues, at a point where project timelines start to slip.
Workforce Delivery Lead needed to join our team…and make us EVEN better!
Unlocking the potential of care to support healthcare delivery.
Paul accepts new role as Strategic Advisor to Department of Health & Social Care.
Michael Robert’s blog shares why we’re recognising storytelling as increasingly critical to our work & the need for co-produced responses to local challenges.
Creating a framework for sustainable co-delivery of nursing and AHP services between care providers and NHS Trusts in North East London.
Paul Corrigan’s blog looks at how we need to apply the spirit and imagination of co-production to overcome the digital divide.
The importance of designing ‘with’ and not ‘for’ people to enable truly effective health & care innovation that meets local need. Read more in Pia’s blog.
Pia Barna & John Bryant’s blog series continues, with an insight into the Whzan ‘Blue Box’