Your Voice Matters – we want to hear it

Join a Focus Group and share your experiences of living in North East London and the local hospital and community care services available. Help us answer questions such as:

How we use and recognise lived experience at Care City

We appreciate you giving your time to support our work. By taking part and telling your story, you will be making a difference to your local community and helping to improve care for our local residents.

We have created a guide explaining how we might use your lived experience to shape our work. It also details how we reward you for your time and how we can further support you to take part should you need it. 

Please read this guide carefully and don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have further questions at

Join our Focus Group Community

Just complete your details below and we will be in touch to chat further. 

Please click to say that you have read the Participants Guide & understand the expectations from Care City should you get involved.(Required)